American social relations is very simple, their children invite friends and relatives not birthday, but it must please the child's classmates. Generally speaking, if a class has a dozen children, then the parents of these children must attend a monthly basically birthday Party. Parents are normally not at home to their children organize birthday Party, but in the park, children's gym, museums and so on the local packet two hours, renting their venues. Such children are headed person, but also dedicated local play, more importantly, their parents will not be too hard, because these places will be ready games, food and birthday cake. But the general needs of the parents of the children ready for simple gifts for distribution to attend the Party of children.美国的社会关系很简单,他们的子女和亲戚朋友邀请不是生日,但必须请孩子的同学。一般来说,如果一个类有几十个孩子,那么这些儿童的家长必须参加每月基本