2019-11-28 14:42:37 蓟秋颖 阅读:324

每个国家的语言都有它独特的魅力。 结婚的时候婚礼习俗和祝福语也会有很大差别, 今天为大家带来 婚礼祝福词英文 怎么表达,来看看西方国家的人们是如何祝福一对新人的吧 !
Passing by in the wind and rain, I see you share joy and sorrow, never give up, never abandon, and jointly maintain a home. I wish you happiness, and I hope you will be happy forever on this important day.
Cherish your warm feelings, cherish your hard-won love, if you love each other, then try to love.
Thousands of years to build the same boat, a hundred years to build a sleeping pillow. I hope this pair of talented people and beautiful women will always be united, married life and beauty.
相亲相爱一家人,同德同心永同心。愿你俩情比海深 ! 情比金坚!祝福你们新婚愉快,互相帮助,幸福永远!
Family love each other, the same morality, the same heart forever. May your love be deeper than the sea! Love is stronger than Jinjian! Wish you a happy new marriage, help each other, happiness forever!
郎有才,女有貌,才子配佳人,情投意合,在花好月圆的今天,要情定终身,特来祝贺:美满良缘,白首成约 !
Lang Youcai, woman Youcai, talented children with beautiful women, love and agreeable, in the full moon today, to settle for life, special congratulations: perfect good luck, white first contract!
佳人遇才子,情窦已发芽,正是相结时。愿你们卿卿我我一辈子,祝天天恩恩爱爱 !幸福快乐!
When a beautiful woman meets a talented person, her love sinus has sprouted, which is the time when she knows each other. May you love me all your life, and may you be happy every day!
千里姻缘一线牵,良辰与美景 ;有缘千里来相会,共同携手谱写爱的诗篇;执子之手相伴一生,不离不弃甘苦与共;祝愿新人家庭和睦幸福永远。
Thousands of miles of marriage, good moments and beautiful scenery; thousands of miles to meet, work together to compose poems of love; the hand of the steward accompanies the whole life, never abandon bitterness and happiness; wish the new family harmony and happiness forever.
这些简洁明了又不失爱意的 婚礼祝福词英文 祝福语是不是让你非常惊艳 ?不过, 我们中国的结婚祝福词更有魅力哦 。欢迎小伙伴阅读参考哦 !